Students explore the history of computer science and are introduced to the HTML language.
History of Computers
HTML Basics
2-IC-20, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18
Students explore the parts and pieces that make up a computer. They discover the role each computer part has to play in the whole as examples of abstraction. Students learn about Text Colors.
Computer Parts & Pieces
Hardware v Software
Text Colors
2-CS-03, 2-CS-02, 3B-AP-24, 3B-AP-22, 2-DA-07
Students discover how the internet works and learn about the different parts that make up a network. They learn how to use Fonts.
How the Internet works
2-AP-17, 2-AP-11, 2-NI-04, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17
Students dive deeper into the inner workings of the internet. They implement HTML structure.
How the Internet Works Continued
HTML as a Language
HTML Structure
3A-CS-03, 3B-NI-03, 2-NI-04, 3A-IC-24, 3A-AP-22
Students learn the basics of troubleshooting various computer problems. They learn how to add background colors and titles to their HTML files.
Background Color
HTML Title
2-CS-03, 2-AP-17, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14
Students practice troubleshooting various computer problems. They learn how to add background colors and titles to their HTML files.
Breaks & Dividers
2-AP-11, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3A-AP-18
Students learn some strategies for debugging their code faster and with less frustration. They learn to add paragraphs, breaks, and dividers to their HTML code.
Ordered/Unordered Lists
3B-AP-24, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3A-AP-23
Students will explore different careers in web development. They will think about how they feel about the different career options and explore what might be of interest to them. They will learn how to implement text align on their HTML file.
Careers in Web Development
Text Align
3A-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 3B-AP-19
Students will walk through the specifics of a certain career in software development to understand the specifics behind the career. They will learn to add links to their HTML files.
Career Exploration
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3A-AP-18
Students walk through what makes a good digital citizen and assess their own computer use for unhealthy habits. They will talk about what a digital footprint is and learn to add images to their HTML files.
Digital Citizenship
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3A-AP-18
Students explore different strategies to safe in a digital environment. They will learn to add buttons to their HTML files.
Digital Safety
3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-14, 3A-AP-18
Students explore different programming languages, where they are used, and what each language is best at. They will examine Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and identify where each is most commonly used. They will learn to add background images to their HTML file.
Programming Languages
Background Image
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-10
Students learn what a digital footprint is and explore how permanent information on the internet really is. They learn to add videos to their HTML file.
Digital Footprint
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3A-AP-18
Students examine how to make technology accessible to people of all ability levels. They learn to add image links to their HTML files
Digital Accessibility
Image Link
3A-IC-25, 3A-AP-21, 3A-AP-17, 2-CS-01, 2-AP-13
Students will share advice about apprpriate and healthy social media with each other ina panel format. They will learn how to add marquees to their HTML files.
Social Media Advice Panel
2-AP-13, 3A-IC-24, 3B-IC-27, 3B-IC-25, 3B-AP-22
Students will form into teams for a collaborative programming project. They will walk through the requirements for the project and formulate a plan to complete the project together. Students will learn different tips for working together as a team.
Team Project
2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-IC-22, 3A-DA-09, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-23, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-17, 3A-AP-22, 2-CS-01, 2-CS-02, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-16
Students will uncover team dynamics as they work through an ice fishing activity. They will practice giving and recieving constructive feedback. They will have time to work on their team project.
Team Project
2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-IC-22, 3A-DA-09, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-19, 3A-AP-23, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-17, 3A-AP-22, 2-CS-01, 2-CS-02, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-16
Students will present their team projects for the class. They will practice speaking in front of a group and communicating ideas.
Team Project Presentations
2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-IC-22, 2-AP-19, 3A-DA-09, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-19, 3A-AP-22, 3A-AP-23, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22, 2-CS-01, 2-CS-02, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-16
Students will explore how to create messages in binary and will practice sending secrete messages encoded into binary. They will apply their understanding of binary to an art project that will have a secret message hidden insice it.
2-DA-07, 2-NI-06, 3A-DA-09
Students will learn how to represent different letters and more by using Binary.
2-DA-07, 2-NI-06, 3A-DA-09
Students are exposed to lossy vs lossless data compression techiques. They examine why data compression is important and where it's used.
Lossy Compression
Lossless Compression
2-AP-11, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13
Students will apply their understanding of data storage through a visual puzzle for saving space. They will practice adding variables to their Python code.
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 2-DA-07
Students will further explore different storage technology to optimize space on devices. They will continue to practice adding inputs/outputs to their Python code.
3B-AP-12, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-16, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students will practice different methods of data representation through pie charts and bar graphs.
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 2-DA-07
Students will conduct their own research through sending out a google form to their classmates. They will dive deeper into variables as they learn about different variable types.
Market Research
Variable Types
2-IC-22, 2-AP-15, 2-DA-08, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-17, 3A-DA-11
Students explore different programming languages and their strengths and weaknesses. They learn more about using numbers in the Python language.
Programming Languages
2-CS-01, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-21, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22
Students analyze the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in modern society. They debate the ethics of striving for true AI. They learn to convert between variable types in Python.
Artificial Intelligence
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-IC-20, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-11
Students discuss different ways that people and computers communicate. They learn how to use concatenation in Python.
Communication Styles
2-IC-20, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students examine issues that happen in access technology and the Digital Divide. They learn how to do basic math in the Python language.
Digital Equity
2-CS-01, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22, 3B-IC-27, 3B-IC-26, 3A-IC-25, 3A-AP-21, 2-IC-21, 2-IC-20, 2-AP-17
Students further explore their team problem solving strategies in an unplugged activity where they work together to create shapes from string. They learn about the modulus in Python.
Team Problem Solving
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students discover ways to encrypt information in order to keep it safe. They learn further about the string data type in Python.
3B-AP-18, 3B-NI-04, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 2-DA-07, 2-NI-06
Students practice using a cipher to encrypt and decrypt code. They learn to better access and use strings in Python through string methods.
String Methods
2-NI-06, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 3B-NI-04, 3A-AP-13, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-15, 3B-AP-10, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-22
Students will explore different threats that exist in the digital world and how to protect against them. They dive deeper into string methods.
Types of Threat
String Methods
Students will explore different political and ethical issues that come up alongside different computer innovations. They will discuss the presence of bias in innovations. They will learn more strategies they can use with strings in Python.
Legal & Ethical Concerns
Checking Strings
3A-AP-18, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-13, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-IC-23, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students will analyze how the advancement of technology affects career options and availability. They will learn concatenate with numbers in Python.
Advancing Skills
Concatenating Numbers
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students will discover what kinds of personal data they generate every day and assess how they feel about big companies using that data. They will pratice concatenating numbers in Python.
Personal Data
Concatenating Numbers
3A-IC-30, 3A-IC-29, 2-IC-23, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students will discuss why documentation of code is important. They will learn to create lists in Python.
Documenting Code
3A-AP-23, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 2-AP-19, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students will discover ways to breeak down down big projects into smaller chunks. They will add more customizability to their code as they learn how to add if statements to their Python code.
Break Down Big Projects
Python If Statements
3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students practice breaking down a big project (planning a party) into smaller, more manageable tasks. They learn how to add conditionals to their Python code.
Break Down Big Projects
Python Conditionals
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students exercise their problem solving techniques in an unplugged challenge maze activity. They learn more advanced approaches to if statements in Python.
Team Problem Solving
Python Else If Statements
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students learn how to represent algorithms using a flow chart visual representation. They learn to create a for loop in Python.
Flow Charts
Python For Loops
3B-AP-13, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-15, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-10, 2-DA-07
Students practice creative problem solving as they work together to make it through an unplugged minefield activity. They learn how to create functions in the Python language.
Team Problem Solving
Python Functions
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students exercise further problem solving skills as they work together in teams to create skits to perform for the class. They learn to add parameters to their Python functions.
Team Problem Solving
Python Function Parameters
3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11
Students form teams and practice working on a task together. They learn to add while loops to their code.
While Loops
3B-AP-17, 3A-IC-27, 3A-AP-22, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 3B-AP-20
Students will learn the details of the team project and form teams. They will plan out the next few class periods and strategize their time to finish by the deadline.
Team Project
3B-AP-17, 3A-IC-27, 3A-AP-22, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 3A-AP-19, 3B-AP-23, 3B-AP-20
Students will uncover team dynamics as they work through an ice fishing activity. They will practice giving and recieving constructive feedback. They will have time to work on their team project.
Team Project
3A-AP-22, 3B-AP-22, 3B-AP-21, 3B-AP-19, 3B-AP-14, 3B-AP-11, 3B-AP-10, 3A-AP-18, 3A-AP-17, 3A-AP-16, 3A-AP-15, 3A-AP-13, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-11, 3B-AP-20, 3B-AP-17, 3A-IC-27
Teams have this opportunity to show off their projects they created together in presentations for the class.
Team Project Presentations
2-IC-22, 3A-AP-23
Students reflect on how this course has gone and everything they have learned. They will discuss the importance of computer science to their personal futures.
Why Computer Science Matters
In this course students will complete projects that help solidify concepts as they use skills in a variety of ways. In order to complete tasks, students will creatively apply what they've learned by using different approaches to reach a goal. This experience closely follows challenges they would face in a technical interview, allowing them to practice. Some examples of projects: Find the Tens Place, Remove String Section, Leap Year, Factorial, Halloween Candy Count