Students will learn what hardware is and the various examples of hardware in a computer.
Computer Hardware
Students will learn what software is and the various examples of software that a computer may use.
Computer Software
1A-CS-01, 1A-CS-02
This lesson reviews what students have learned about hardware and software and also teaches students about troubleshooting.
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Identifying and troubleshooting device problems
1A-CS-02, 1A-CS-03
Teach students about various computer devices, each of their purposes, and what qualifies as a computer.
Computing devices and their functions
Students learn how the internet works while discussing diverse ways to communicate with others.
How the internet works
Students will learn new terms - decoding and encryption - as they explore how to decode messages using patterns and critical thinking skills.
Pattern decoding
1A-NI-04, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-09, 1A-AP-11
This lesson discusses the importance of being kind and empathetic as students transition into practicing good digital citizenship.
Showing kindness
Teach students what it means to be respectful and encourage them to identify respectful behaviors in this activity.
Being a respectful digital citizen
Teach students what it means to be responsible and encourage them to identify responsible behaviors in this activity.
Being a responsible digital citizen
Technology can cause big feelings in students. Use the activities in this lesson to support students in navigating those feelings when they arise.
Identifying emotions
Responding to emotions
Teach students what keywords are and how they are useful for finding information in research.
Discuss what cyberbullying is with your students and what they can do to be kind online.
Showing kindness
Being safe online is so important. Teach students various ways they can be safe when using the computer!
Keeping personal information private
Don't talk to strangers
1A-NI-04, 1A-IC-18
Teach students the importance of strong passwords and other cybersecurity practices in this lesson.
Strong passwords
Telling adults when odd things occur on the computer
Logging out
1A-NI-04, 1A-IC-18
Teach students the importance of giving credit to others in this activity.
Proper Attribution
Introduce the concept of algorithms in this unplugged activity.
1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-15
Solidify students' knowledge of algorithms in this mapping activity!
Identifying algorithms
Creating algorithms
1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Incorporate movement in your students' algorithm learning with this unplugged activity.
Identifying algorithms
Creating algorithms
1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-15
Help students understand what "bug" means in computer science as they are also challenged to identify and fix "bugs" they see in the activity.
Debugging algorithms
Solidify students' understanding of what an algorithm is in this unplugged activity.
Decomposing steps
1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-15
Connect algorithms to computers in this lesson. Students will learn how to code algorithms using Skill Struck's Blocks platform.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Students learn what events are and their use in algorithm coding in this block coding lesson.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Students practice coding with the look blocks and programming multiple sprites in this block coding lesson.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Students learn what loops are and their use in algorithm coding in this block coding lesson.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Students practice programming with control blocks in this block coding lesson.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Students learn to program multiple scenes in this block coding lesson.
Program planning
Decomposing steps
Coding algorithms
Multiple Scenes
1A-CS-01, 1A-DA-05, 1A-AP-08, 1A-AP-10, 1A-AP-11, 1A-AP-12, 1A-AP-14, 1A-AP-15
Data is information. Students are introduced to data in this unplugged activity.
Forming predictions
Collecting and presenting data
Analyzing charts
Identifying patterns
Computers and data
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
Students practice identifying patterns in data.
Forming predictions
Identifying patterns
Creating patterns
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
Students learn ways to collect and graph data in this fun unplugged data activity.
Forming predictions
Collecting and presenting data
Analyzing charts
Identifying patterns
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
Students learn ways to collect and graph data in this fun unplugged data activity.
Forming predictions
Collecting and presenting data
Analyzing charts
Identifying patterns
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
Students collect and organize data about their classmates in this fun data activity!
Forming predictions
Collecting and presenting data
Analyzing charts
Identifying patterns
Sorting Data
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
Introduce bar charts to your students in this collaborative class data activity.
Forming predictions
Collecting and presenting data
Analyzing charts
Identifying patterns
Comparing data
1A-DA-06, 1A-DA-07, 1A-AP-09
The projects in this course will help students build the foundational algorithm skills that will support them in their coding journey.