Students explore how they feel about computer science and dream about what they want to be when they grow up. They will learn about what computer programming is and what they could possibly do with it.
What is Programming Discussion
Dream Future Activity
Body Language Activity
Students discover the vast variety of places we use passwords in our everyday lives. They discuss password strength and smart practices in generating passwords. They explore ways to keep track of passwords in a digital world.
Password Strength Exploration
Keeping Track of Passwords Activity
Password Places Activity
2-IC-20, 2-NI-05
Students analyze different ways to create strong and secure passwords. They participate in a password strength unplugged activity and practice creating passwords that would be secure.
Password Corners Activity
Password Strength Activity
Digital Safety
Password Strength Discussion
2-IC-20, 2-NI-05, 2-IC-23
Students walk through what makes a good digital citizen and assess their own computer use for unhealthy habits. They will talk about what a digital footprint is and will be oriented to the Skill Struck Platform.
Tracking Computer Use Activity
Digital Footprint
Getting on the Skill Struck Site
Digital Citizenship Discussion
2-NI-05, 2-NI-06, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will be introduced to the JavaScript language and practice making console.log statements, alerts, and prompts.
Console logs, Alerts, and Prompts
Intro to JavaScript
2-AP-11, 2-AP-17
Students will take a fresh look at what social media does for everyday life and exercise a new perspective through an alien activity.
Teaching an Alien Activity
Social Media
2-NI-05, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will discover how the internet works with all the different hardware pieces that makee it possible. To reinforce concepts, they will diagram the functionality of the internet visually on a piece of paper and share it with the class.
Diagram the Internet Activity
Share the Internet Diagram with the Class
How the Internet Works Discussion
Students will review how the protocols and packets of the interent work through a castle construction activity. They will learn how to do math through JavaScript.
Math in JavaScript
Castle Problem Activity
2-NI-04, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-16, 2-AP-17
Students review how to do math with the JavaScript language through math challenges. They will analyze how internet protocol works through an unplugged lining up activity.
Internet Protocols Activity
Math Challenges
2-NI-04, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-16, 2-AP-17
Students will learn how to do concatenation in JavaScript. They will discover what cookies are on the internet and the best way to manage cookies in their lives.
2-NI-04, 2-NI-05, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will analyze how their personal data can be used by large companies in society and explore how they feel about their data. They will talk about how data should be private or public.
Concatenation Challenge
Privacy in Society
2-NI-05, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will explore what phishing is and how to protect themselves from phishing in the digital world. They will complete a JavaScript money calculator project.
JavaScript Project Money Calculator
Phishing Detective Activity
2-NI-05, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will exercise problem solving strategies through a cross the river activity. They will learn how to build functions in JavaScript.
Cross the River Activity
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-14, 2-AP-17
Students will practice the cybersecurity concept of cryptography through practicing with the Atbash cipher. They will learn to add parameters to their functions in JavaScript.
Atbash Cipher Activity
2-NI-06, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-14, 2-AP-17
Students will discover their natural tendencies towards problem solving through a Magic Carpet activity. They will practice building functions using parameters through JavaScript challenges.
Functions Challenges
Parameters Challenges
Magic Carpet
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-14, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17
Students will practice representing data in different ways through building pie charts and bar graphs. They will explore when different methods of data representation might be advantageous in a situation.
Bar Graph Activity
Pie Chart Activity
2-DA-07, 2-DA-08, 2-DA-09, 2-IC-22
Students will practice recieving feedback from their peers through using a google form. They will review how to create functions in the JavaScript language.
Functions Challenges
Google Forms Data Collection Activity
2-DA-07, 2-DA-08, 2-DA-09, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-14, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-22
Students will learn how to add return statements to their JavaScript functions. They will also learn how to add comments in JavaScript.
Commenting in JavaScript
Return Statements
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-14, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-19
Students will explore different careers in web development. They will think about how they feel about the different career options and explore what might be of interest to them. They will learn how to add if statements to their JavaScript files.
If Statements
Careers in Web Development
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20
Students will explore deeper into a web development career and learn more specifics about that career. They will learn to add conditions to their if statements.
If Statements Conditions
Web Development Career Exploration
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20
Students will assess what makes a good resume and discuss ways to help build their resume and how that relates to computer science. They will practice their if statements through some JavaScript challenges.
Resume Discussion
Resume Poster Activity
If Statements Challenges
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20
Students will add more customizability to their code as they learn how to add else if statements to their if statements in JavaScript. They will discover ways to breeak down down big projects into smaller chunks.
Break Down Big Problems Discussion
If Else Statements
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will embark on an arctic excursion and discover ways to break down big projects into smaller chunks in order to achieve a task.
Fan Test
Arctic Excursion Processing
Actic Excursion
2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18
Students will practice what they've learned as they work to build a tip calculator in JavaScript. They will combine concepts to be able to create a working program.
Tip Calculator Project
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will analyze what it means to be accessible and how that might apply to a computer program. They will learn how to add arrays to their JavaScript files.
2-CS-01, 2-DA-07, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will apply what they've learned about accessibility as they imagine an app they would like to create and how it would work for different kinds of people. They will learn how to access elements in an array in JavaScript.
Accessing Elements in Arrays
App Design
2-CS-01, 2-CS-02, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-21
Students will review what digital citizenship means to them. They will practice accessing elements in arrays through challenges and will learn how to determine array length in JavaScript.
Accessing Elements in Arrays
Array Length
Digital Citizenship Discussion
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-21
Students will explore more of what they can do with arrays in JavaScript. They will learn how to add to an array and remove from an array.
Removing from Arrays
Adding to an Array
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will discover the different components in a computer and what they do. They will assess different troubleshooting techniques and applying the best approach for varying scenarios.
Troubleshooting Techniques
Computer Anatomy
2-CS-02, 2-CS-03, 2-AP-13
Students will further their understanding of JavaScript arrays as they learn to insert into and change elements in the arrays.
Changing Elements in Arrays
Inserting into Arrays
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will explore what an algorithm is and how they can create algorithms for different situations. They will practice creating their own algorithms through a mirror drawing activity.
Create Your Own Algorithm
Mirror Drawing Activity
What is an Algorithm Discussion
2-DA-07, 2-AP-10, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-19
Students will learn how to make their algorithms sustainable by adding for loops into their JavaScript files. They will further practice the concept of looping by completing challenges.
For Loops
2-AP-10, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15
Students will learn what a flow chart is and discover how to apply flow charts to creating algorithms in computer programming. They will practice creating their own flow charts to illustrate the movement of algorithms.
Create Your Own Flow Chart
Flow Charts and Algorithms
Flow Charts Demonstration
2-AP-10, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15
Students will explore how to create messages in binary and will practice sending secrete messages encoded into binary. They will apply their understanding of binary to an art project that will have a secret message hidden insice it.
Secret Messages Activity
Binary Art Project
Binary Demonstration
2-NI-04, 2-NI-06, 2-DA-07
Students will polish their understanding of loops in programming through an unplugged activity where they create a loop as a class. They will continue to learn more aspects of the for loop in JavaScript.
For Loops Continued
Class Loop Activity
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will practice their JavaScript concepts as they build a probability guessing project. They will also build a program for a parking lot business in JavaScript.
Parking Lot Project
Probability Guesser Project
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15
Students will analyze how the presence of computers affects the world they live in and different aspects of their everyday living. They will learn how to apply nesting to their loops in JavaScript.
Nested Loops
Computers and Your World Discussion
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20
Students will explore how artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation affect their everyday lives. They will discuss potential ethical dillemmas with furthering research in these areas. They will learn how to add while loops to their JavaScript files.
While Loops
AI, Machine Learning, and Automation Discussion
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-23
Students will practice their problem solving approaches through an unplugged backpack activity. They will practice applying nested loops to programming with some nested loops challenges.
While Loops Challenges
What's in the Backpack Activity
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20
Students will combine what they've learned about arrays and loops to be able to loop through arrays they've built. They will creative problem solving approaches through a perfect shapes class activity.
Perfect Shapes Unplugged Activity
Looping through Arrays
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-IC-20, 2-IC-22
Students will walk through the requirements for their team projects. They will form teams and lay out a plan to be able to finish on time. They will split up responsibilities and start on their team project.
Team Project Timeline Planning
Team Project Time
Team Project Requirements
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 2-IC-22
Students will build relationships with their team members as they do a team building activity. They will have time to work on their team project.
Team Project Time
Two Truths and One Lie Activity
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 2-IC-22
Students will have time to work on their team project. They will collaborate on the requirements and refer to their timeline to be able to finish on time.
Team Project Time
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 2-IC-22
Students will build their growth mindset as they give and recieve constructive feedback for team projects. They will have time to work on their team projects and apply the feedback they received.
Team Project Time
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 2-IC-22
Students will analyze their team projects through an accessibility lens and adjust their project to accommodate more people. They will have time to work on their projects and make them as accessible as possible.
Team Project Time
Team Project Accessibility
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 1B-IC-20, 2-IC-21, 2-IC-22
Students will present their team projects to the class. They will practice reporting on their own code and recount how their collaboration went with the team.
Team Project Presentations
2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-15, 2-AP-17, 2-AP-18, 2-AP-19, 2-IC-22
Students will discover how much they've learned in this course as they do a concept review activity. Choosing a concept from earlier in the class, the teacher will demonstrate how to use it as students reflect on all the things they've learned. They will work on a JavaScript challenge to demonstrate some of their skills.
JS Project
Concept Review Demonstration
2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
Students will walk through all the different programming and computer science topics they have learned in this class. They will discuss why computer science is an important subject to understand for their lives, both now and in the future.
Project Review
Why Computer Science Matters Discussion
Overview of Concepts Learned
In this course, students will complete challenges that help solidify concepts as they use skills in a variety of ways. In order to complete tasks, students will creatively apply what they've learned by using different approaches to reach a goal. This experience closely follows challenges they would face in a technical interview, allowing them to practice.