Courses for every classroom, illustration of a planet with a telescope, coding language logos, and a rocket in motion

Web Development 1

This course walks students through both the basics and more advanced concepts of HTML and CSS alongside other topics such as digital citizenship, the internet, and data. Intended for students between grades 6 and 12.

3 times a week over 16 weeks
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
HTML and CSS are the languages used to build and style websites. Students will be able to build their own websites throughout this course. The curriculum includes coding exercises and practice on the Skill Struck platform interspersed with classroom collaboration activities, discussion points, supplemental materials, and unplugged activities. This course walks students through the basics of coding alongside other topics. This integrated approach keeps lessons diverse and students engaged. Students work individually and as teams to build innovative and competitive coding solutions.
WD1: Careers & Digital Citizenship
WD2: Internet History & How the Internet Works
WD3: Copyright, Acceptable Use, Ethics, and Creative Commons Licenses
WD4: Online Safety & Cybersecurity
WD5: Personal Skills for Web Careers / Portfolios
WD6: Project Introduction and Planning
WD7: HTML Basics / File Set Up
WD8: Heading Tags / Planning a Website
WD9: Text Colors / Color Theory for the Web
WD10: Fonts / Typography
WD11: HTML Structure
WD12: HTML as a Language / Semantic Tags
WD13: Background Color / Site File Structure, Validating HTML
WD14: Paragraphs / Special Characters
WD15: Page Formatting
WD16: Lists / Wireframes
WD17: Links
WD18: Images
WD19: Buttons / Accessibility
WD20: Videos / Video & Audio
WD21: Image Link / Image File Formats
WD22: Intro to CSS
WD23: Connecting Your CSS File to an HTML File
WD24: Text Shadow / Formatting Text
WD25: Rounded Corners / CSS Best Practices
WD26: Box Shadow / Image Editing Basics
WD27: Color Gradient / Formatting Colors & Backgrounds
WD28: Comments in HTML & CSS / Documenting Code
WD29: Classes
WD30: Color Picker / Website Work
WD31: Margin and Padding
WD32: Pseudo Selectors
WD33: Opacity / Website Project Start
WD34: Div Tags / Design Tips
WD35: Button Design / Website Project Work
WD36: List Style / Website Validation
WD37: CSS Icons / UX Principles (User Experience)
WD38: Borders / Optimizing Images for the Web
WD39: Positioning
WD40: Background Image Style / Page Layout with CSS
WD41: Tables Intro / Visual Design Principles
WD42: Tables Continued / Responsive Design
WD43: Table Styles
WD44: Forms
WD45: Text Input / Website Project Work
WD46: Radio Input / Website Finalization
WD47: Web Hosting & Deployment
WD48: Website Project Presentations
Download the 2022 Skill Struck Standards Alignment + Correlation Guide to view a general list of our standard alignments, or find your state's specific alignment below:
General Standard Alignment
2022 Skill Struck Standards Alignment + Correlation Guide
Alabama Course of Study Digital Literacy and CS Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Arizona Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Arkansas Computer Science and Computing Standards Middle School Introduction to Coding Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Arkansas Computer Science and Computing Standards High School Programming + Skill Struck Alignment
Georgia Standards of Excellence for K-8 Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Idaho Content Standards Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Illinois Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Indiana K-12 Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Iowa Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Kansas CS Standards  P-12 + Skill Struck Alignment.
Kentucky Academic Standards for Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Maryland K-12 CS Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Michigan K-12 Standards Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Mississippi College and Career Readiness standards for Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Missouri K-12 Computer Science Performance Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Nebraska K-12 Technology Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Nevada Computer Science Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Nevada Academic Content Standards for Integrated Technology + Skill Struck Alignment
Nevada Academic Content Standards for CS + Skill Struck Alignment
New Jersey
New Jersey Computer Science and Design Thinking Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
New York
New York Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards K-12 + Skill Struck Alignment
North Carolina
North Carolina K-12 CS Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Ohio's Learning Standards Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Oklahoma Academic Standards for Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignment
Rhode Island
Rhode Island's K-12 CS Education Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
South Carolina
South Carolina Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
South Carolina's Computer Science Standards for High School + Skill Struck Alignment
Tennessee K-12 Computer Science State Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Virginia K-12 CS Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Washington K-12 CS State Learning Standards + Skill Struck Alignment
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science + Skill Struck Alignement
Wyoming Computer Science Content Standards + Skill Struck Alignment

Web Development 1

In this course, students will complete challenges that help solidify concepts as they use skills in a variety of ways. In order to complete tasks, students will creatively apply what they've learned by using different approaches to reach a goal. This experience closely follows challenges they would face in a technical interview, allowing them to practice. Students will create a variety of websites using different web development skills. Some examples of projects: Weather, Fruit Ranking, Goal Setting, Space Exploration, Favorite Season

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Student Activities
Teacher Resources
Pre/Post Test
Quiz Questions
English and Spanish
Skill Struck Reviews

Having a mapped out, structured way to learn and experience the Computer Science curriculum really freed up time for me to give students one-on-one attention. It also gave me more opportunities to give the students additional programming assignments to help them understand the concepts better.

Scott Couch
CS Teacher, Maeser Prep Academy

The program and the people behind it are innovative, intelligent, and organized. The platform is very user-friendly and l have been able to guide my students easily through the curriculum.

Dillon Gilpin
High School CS Teacher,
Duchesne County School District

All of the content is fun and engaging for our students! Regarding the support and partnership, they are always on top of everything. Small issues are resolved quickly, and that is not typical with other EdTech companies.

Donna Woods
CTE Cyber Pathway Instructor,
Moreno Valley United School District