How to Safely Integrate AI Tools in K-12 Schools

Students gathering around laptops in the classroom

The release of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has sparked a national debate among educators and policymakers. In this blog, we’re going to explore that debate and potential solutions where educators can get the best of both worlds. 

ChatGPT: To Ban or Not To Ban

Districts and state leaders nationwide are asking themselves if it’s better to ban, or not ban, ChatGPT in classrooms. Banning AI chatbots is being considered because of the increased risk of student data and information being shared with large language models (LLMs), and increasing students’ overdependence on technology.

Will AI undermine students’ academic development? With easy-to-access and sophisticated chatbots, students might opt for the path of least resistance, using technology to do their heavy lifting. 

In opposition, the risk of banning AI in K-12 classrooms could restrict students’ ability to learn prompt engineering, among other necessary skills that are prevalent in today’s workforce. AI is almost everywhere, being used daily in most industries. Soon, it will be everywhere. 

Many have compared this decision to the use of calculators in the classroom in the 70s. At first, 72% of teachers and mathematicians wanted to ban calculators, for fear of becoming too dependent on technology. Additional research proved that calculators engaged more students in their Math learning, and increased their ability to retain skills. 

Chat for Schools: A Safe, Guided ChatGPT Replacement for K-12 Classrooms

The calculator is not the only example of this! Many tried to ban the use of the internet along with other groundbreaking technologies that have shaped today’s world. 

So what if the solution wasn’t to ban or not to ban ChatGPT usage in the classroom? What if the solution was to provide schools with a safe, guided ChatGPT replacement for K-12 classrooms? 

Introducing Chat for Schools. Skill Struck created Chat for Schools because they believe AI can be viewed in the same way as calculators, the internet, etc. Artificial intelligence will change how we live and work today. It has the potential to be bigger and more impactful than the internet. 

We also believe AI has the potential to engage more students in their learning–of any subject–and increase skill sets necessary in today’s tech world. Just like the calculator did for Math students in the 70s! 

4 Ways To Protect Students Using AI in the Classroom with Chat for Schools

Understanding that protecting students is of the highest priority for administrators and teachers, Chat for Schools safeguards students and their data. Through data privacy measures, content moderation, teacher/admin controls, and more, Chat for Schools presents compelling arguments against outright bans.

Four of the ways Chat for Schools protects students include:

Not Training Large Language Models (LLMs)

Unlike typical ChatGPT interactions, inputs from students on Chat for Schools do not contribute to training OpenAI's language models. This design decision ensures that personal student data and interactions do not influence the broader AI model's learning process. In addition, Chat for Schools deletes student chats every 30 days. 


Chat for Schools can block words or phrases for all students, with teachers and admins having access to flagged content. This helps enforce district-wide content standards and ensures appropriate use of the platform.

Sentiment and Chat History

Admins and teachers can review positive, neutral, and negative sentiment scores per student. Upon further analysis of this sentiment, admins and teachers can review student chat history, being able to dive into why they scored different sentiments. 

On/Off Controls 

Teachers have an on-and-off switch in their teacher portals that allows them to make Chat for Schools available, or not available when needed. 

Reach out to a Skill Struck representative to learn about Chat for Schools safeguarded approach to AI in K-12 classrooms. 

Engaging More Students in Their Learning

AI in K-12 classrooms has the unique ability to engage more students in any subject. This is through the use of custom tutors. 

Imagine yourself in a cooking class in the 7th grade. You're taking this class because it’s required, not because you have much interest. During class hours, you open an AI chatbot called “Guy Fieri teaches you how to cook pasta.” 

Boom! You have one of the world’s greatest chefs teaching you how to cook pasta. 

Or, imagine you’re up late working with your teen daughter on her Math homework. Emotions are high, for her and you. At this point, you aren’t getting anywhere. So you open an AI chatbot called “Albus Dumbledor teaches calculus.” Suddenly, the Hogwarts headmaster is engaging with your daughter on how to solve her Math problems. 

We’ve seen these custom tutors in action! Both of these examples weren’t just stories - they were real-life examples from our partners. 

Enhancing Classroom Experience: Leveraging AI Safely with Chat for Schools

And so the debate, to ban or not ban ChatGPT in the classroom? The answer can be somewhere in the middle. 

Chat for Schools has been engineered to provide educators and students with a robust educational AI chat experience while maintaining strict adherence to privacy laws and ethical standards. This way, students and teachers can receive the benefits of using AI in the classroom, while ultimately protecting students. 

Learn more about Chat for Schools at

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