New 5-Week AI Certification Course for K-12 Educators

New AI Certification Course!

The level of AI usage in K-12 classrooms varies from “I’m too afraid of AI and don’t want to use it” to “I am using AI in every aspect of the learning experience.” Whichever the case, it’s widely known that every district will continue to experience some adoption of AI tools into their classrooms in the coming years. 

As educators continue to navigate AI in the classroom, Skill Struck has created some professional development resources that arm educators with the confidence and skills they need to integrate AI into their daily workflow. 

Among these professional development opportunities includes Skill Struck’s new 5-Week AI Certification Course

This course was developed by educators in the classroom that have been using AI in the last year and by our curriculum developers. In this blog we describe the content that’s included in each week of the course. 

Week 1: An Introduction to AI

The goal for the first week is to understand AI chatbots. Educators do this through the built-in AI professional development lessons in Chat for Schools. These lessons include: 

  • What are AI chat tools? 
  • How to interact with AI chat tools. 
  • Safety with AI chat tools. 
  • How to check for credibility with AI responses. 
  • Clarity with cheating using AI. 

Week 2: Getting Comfortable with AI

The goal for the second week is to start playing with AI! Educators will learn what the AI chatbot is good at, and what it's not so good at. This week includes daily 5-10 minute Try it Out Activities to help educators get comfortable using AI. These fun activities include a creative writing exercise, letting AI teach you, and more! 

Week 3: Learning Prompt Engineering

The goal for the third week is to learn prompt engineering! This week includes daily 5-10 minute Try it Out Activities to help them learn how to give AI effective prompts. By becoming excellent prompt engineers, educators can utilize AI to help with their busy work. They can also learn these skills and pass them on to their students. 

Week 4: Using AI to Generate Educational Content

The goal of the fourth week is to learn how to use AI to generate educational content. Now that educators have effectively learned how to prompt engineer, they can use AI to help them build effective, engaging content for the classroom. This week includes daily 5-10 minute Try it Out Activities to help educators learn how to use AI to generate classroom content. 

Week 5: Using Learning Studio Content

Now that educators have advanced prompt writing skills, and understand how to use AI to generate educational content, the goal is to utilize Learning Studio, or AI tools for K-12 classrooms, to create more classroom content that align with standards. This week includes daily 5-10 minute Try it Out Activities to help educators learn how to use Learning Studio’s AI tools. 

At the end of the 5-Week AI Certification Course educators will receive an official badge of completion! This badge means that educators have learned the basics of AI, and know how to use it to make the classroom more engaging for all. 

A sneak peek of the badge educators receive when they complete the AI Certification Course.

We are still generating more AI professional development! As AI evolves, we will continue to prepare educators to best utilize it in the classroom. 

Learn more about Skill Struck's AI tools by scheduling a demo at

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